Artifact: Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)
Date: Spring 2015
Reflection: In PEP 304- Technology in PE, I learned ow to create and develop an IEP for students. This lesson consisted of learning the basics of a football throw. It implemented proper form and technique, along with drills for students to practice the skill. By knowing how to write an IEP, i can demonstrate standard 1 of the NYSAHPERD standards because it proves students gained knowledge and skills that assist in maintaining physical fitness and maintaining personal health. This IEP also addressed standards 1 and 2 for the NASPE standards, meaning students developed and executed a variety of motor skills, and learned concepts, principles, tactics, and strategies regarding this skill. Technology in PE is something all schools and PE programs should adapt into their programs. Videoing students, and being able to use that video to teach them proper ways to perform skills would be very beneficial.
PEP 304: Technology in PE
Lesson Plan
Name: Colin
Name: Proper Football Throw
Equipment: 10-12
Footballs, 6 cones, all depending on class size
Standards Met:
Standard 1 - Personal Health and Fitness
Students will
have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical
fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.
Standard 2 -
A Safe and Healthy Environment
Students will acquire the knowledge and ability
necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
Standard 3 -
Resource Management
Students will understand and be able to manage their
personal and community resources.
Standards Met:
Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a
variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies
knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to
movement and performance.
Standard 3 - The physically literate
individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a
enhancing level of physical activity and
Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and
social behavior that respects self and others.
Standard 5 - The physically literate
individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment,
challenge, self-
expression and/or social interaction.
Lesson Objectives: (situation,
task, criteria):
Ex. During class, students will demonstrate a
proper kicking motion (step next to ball, opposite foot pointing toward target,
kick ball
with the inside of foot, follow through) 3 out of 5 times).
(understanding knowledge): After class, students will be able to reflect, and
retain the new information they have obtained about the motion of throwing a
football properly and effectively.
(performance/demonstrates): During class, students will be able to perfrom
proper motion of throwing a football (stepping with non-dominant foot, twisting
torso, cocking back arm, following through with arm and shoulder, explosive
release) while throwing to a partner stationary 10 times and mobile 2-4 times.
(interpersonal skills): After class, students ability to work together and
assist each other with throwing a football will increase sportsmanship by
saying “good catch” or “good throw” each trial, and giving each other high
fives after a good pass and catch during the mobile activity along with
boosting their confidence as their performance increases during the sessions.
Safety Statement: During the
first activity, make sure you are aware of your surroundings. You will be close
to your other students and footballs will be being thrown. Do not purposely
throw it at anyone. Make sure your shoes are dry, because you will be running
as a receiver during an activity today in class.
Content: Good
morning class, my name is Mr. Knight and today I will be teaching you all how
to properly throw a football. First off, has anyone ever played football
recreationally or competitively? That’s great, okay, now who knows what
position in football has to throw the football? Quarterback right, has anyone
ever seen that Peyton Manning commercial where he picks his nose to throw it
accurately? Pretty funny, but okay so the first step is to face your shoulder
towards your target. You want to be bouncing on your feet because no one wants
to get hit right? Now, you’re going to expand your chest, cock your throwing
arm back, and step with your non-dominant or opposite foot. Like Peyton said,
take that nose picking finger and point it to where you want the ball to go.
While stepping forward with your non-dominant foot, twist your torso, and
follow through with your shoulder releasing the ball explosively. Does anyone
have any questions? So for our first activity I want you all to grab a partner
and line up where I say. I want you all to use the mechanics I had just taught
you and throw to your partner 10 times each. Each time your partner makes a
good throw or catch, say “good throw” or “good catch”. Good job everyone, bring
it in to me please. So in football we know the QB is not going to be able to
throw it to a player who is not moving. So this time, I want one partner to
start at this cone and jog to this cone, while your other partner is on this
cone using proper form to throw the ball on target. Do this a few times each or
until I say stop.
Closure: Okay stop,
everyone bring it in on me and get ready to take your heart rates. Ready, go,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Okay everyone remember that. So can anyone tell me the proper
way to throw a football? What position involves throwing the ball accurately?
Good job everyone!!
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